Creating Prosperity in a ZIP Code

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Developing Issues


Carl E. Person
225 E. 36th St. Suite 3A
New York NY 10016-3664
Tel. No. - 212-307-4444
Fax No. - 212-307-0247
Email Address:

Cartoon and Graphics

Wal-Mart Cartoon at
Cartoon Showing Wal-Mart Walking Off with Entire Town While Shoppers Enjoy Nickel and Dime Savings

Carl E. Person
Picture of Carl E. Person

Carl E. Person as Town Attorney General
Carl E. Person in Costume for Role as Town Attorney General

Campaign Poster#1
Carl Person's Campaign Poster for Mayor-Council - Dressed in the Formal Attire of a Solicitor General

Campaign Poster#1 Thumbnail
Thumbnail of Carl Person's Campaign Poster for Mayor-Council - Dressed in the Formal Attire of a Solicitor General

Campaign Poster#2
Carl Person's Campaign Poster for Mayor-Council - Non-Formal Attire

Campaign Poster#2 Thumbnail
Thumbnail of Carl Person's Campaign Poster for Mayor-Council - Non-Formal Attire

Seal of Town Attorney General
Seal for Conceived Office of the Town Attorney General

Note: The Town Attorney General does not exist at the writing of this website, and never has existed in the United States. But the office should exist, to protect the nation's citizens, other residents and small businesses from destructive exploitation by the major corporations of the world.